ImageTweak is a Mozilla Firefox extension that modifies the way single images (images not embedded within a web page) are displayed. Instead of showing them against a white background in the upper left corner, ImageTweak shows them centered in the window, against a neutral gray background and allows to freely zoom and move the image, much like any decent image viewer.
This functionality was proposed to Mozilla with a RFE (bugzilla bug# 376997). If you think this should be a standard feature of Firefox, then vote for this bug on bugzilla.
The official guide is available in ImageTweak Help.
Support is available mainly through the ImageTweak thread on MozillaZine. For security-critical bug reports you may also send me a mail (the address is available within the source code or on the homepage of the site).
Support the development of ImageTweak
If you like ImageTweak, you can support its development by donating via Paypal on mozilla.org or by sending bitcoins to 1265ciMoFwnX4y4gGxXNGkiD7Qu24oYSqw.
You can also leave a review on the AMO download page.
Download stable version
The latest stable version is available on addons.mozilla.org.
Download trunk (unstable) version
The ImageTweak source code is available on GitHub. Send me a pull request if you want your changes included.
The changelog is available on GitHub. Also, you may want to have a read to the ImageTweak development blog.
ImageTweak is available in many locales: for an updated list visit the Babelzilla page for ImageTweak.
Old versions
Old versions, although not recommended or supported, are available from the download page linked above.